I've been thinking a lot lately about how much my life has changed since I was kid. This has included a certain amount of reminiscence, as I suppose is natural, but lately I've been turning much of my attention on the subject of change to consideration of the future in a way I'm not certain I've done before. Sure, I've always had hopes and dreams and so forth- but if I'm perfectly honest about it I have to admit that up until relatively recently I've done very little to substantially create the future me I want to one day be.
So as a part of becoming that man, I've been spending a lot of time painting and drawing and planning as I generally do, but also working actively to get the work actually seen, a duty in which I've been remiss in recent years. I currently have single works hanging in group shows at UForge Gallery and Thos. Moser Showroom, with receptions on the 10th and 15th, respectively, of this month. There's also a solo show in the works for next month at 29 Newbury, and hopefully a few more not long after that.
Beyond that, I've been actively submitting to other shows for which my work was rejected, which actually makes me happy. It feels like progress when I get a rejection notice in a way I hadn't expected. It means I've actually taken a risk and am thereby closer to the goal of self-sufficiency I've set forth. I'm applying the lessons I've learned about being unafraid to fail in painting to my life and it's working. Sometimes it seems paint is the best teacher I've ever had.
I'm 32 years old and have seen great change both in the world and in myself over that time. If I survive another 32 years, I'm sure I'll see things I can't now even imagine becoming commonplace on this strange and wonderful planet. I hope that in that time I too change and grow and become the man I've always merely dreamt of being and that as that man, look back on these times and say "That's when I grew up."
Here are the details of my two upcoming receptions in case you'd like to attend.
Minatures Group Show at UForge Gallery
Saturday, December 10th, 2011
6:00pm- 8:00pm
Uforge Gallery, 767 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, MA
On view: December 1st- 23rd, 2011
Holiday Group Show at Thos. Moser Showroom
To benefit Toys For Tots: We suggest each guest kindly bring an unwrapped gift.
Thursday, December 15th, 2011
19 Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116
On view: December 6th- 27th, 2011
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